This page includes details of publications (books, articles and websites) on children’s spirituality, most of which have been recommended by members of IACS. It is not a comprehensive bibliography, but we are aiming to build it up gradually and hope that you will help with this. If you wish to recommend a publication, please do so on this form. You will see on this page some book covers or titles of recent publications. If you click on one of these, you will find a short description and details of how to access it.
You can use the search box to find references to a particular word in the title, description or author's name of a publication.

Approaching a conceptualisation of the spiritual dimension: the need for its development from the initial stages of a person’s formation
Jorge Burgueño Lópeza
Nature, Spirituality and Early Childhood Education
Ruth Wills
Teaching with Heart and Soul- Reflections on Spirituality in Teacher Education
Parker J Palmer
Using the Evocative Phenomenological Method in the Godly Play Room to Discover Insights into How Children Are a Means of Grace
Brendan Hyde
Children of the ‘Now’: Dispelling Some Neoliberal Assumptions in Christian Religious Education
Brendan Hyde
Truth as aletheia in the Godly Play approach to religious education: A phenomenological reflection
Brendan Hyde
Enacting a spiritual pedagogy in the early years: phenomenological reflections on thoughtfulness in practice
Elizabeth Rouse and Brendan HydeDevelopmental Implications of Children’s Early Religious and Spiritual Experiences in Context: A Sociocultural Perspective
M. M. Abo-Zena and A. Midgette

Shining Lights in Unexpected Corners: new angles on young children’s spiritual development
Tony Eaude
Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World: What children can teach us about the mystery of being human
Donna ThomasSocio-cultural Perspectives on Children's Spirituality
Tony Eaude
A bibliography of publications which approach children's spirituality from a socio-cultural perspective
Young Children and Spirituality
Anita Mortlock
A bibliography of articles related to young children's spirituality

Religion and spirituality in adolescent development
Pamela Ebstyne King and Robert W. Roeser (eds)
Domains of spirituality and their associations with positive mental health: A study of adolescents in Canada, England and Scotland
Valerie Michaelson, Nathan King, Jo Inchley, Dorothy Currie, Fiona Brooks and William Pickett
The Routledge international handbook of spirituality in society and the professions
Laszlo Zsolnai and Bernadette Flanagan (eds)Young children and spirituality
Barbara Kimes Myers

Pathic knowing, lived sensibility and phenomenological reflections on children’s spirituality
Brendan Hyde
Reflections on the Role of Spirituality in How Young Children’s Identities Are Constructed
Tony EaudeSpiritual and moral development
Tony Eaude
The strings on David’s harp: religious ritual as a container for spirituality.
Sandy Sasso Eisenberg
Happiness, emotional well-being and mental health – what has children’s spirituality to offer?
Tony Eaude
Early childhood spirituality in education: Towards an understanding of the distinctive features of young children's spirituality
Kate Adams, Rebecca Bull and Mary-Louise Maynes
The Spiritual Life of Children
Robert Coles
Reconceptualizing Imaginary Friends: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Understanding Invisible Companions
Kate Adams
Unseen Worlds: Looking through the lens of childhood
Kate Adams
Action Possibilities Enhancing the Spiritual Wellbeing of Young Children: Applying Affordance Theory to the Godly Play Room
Brendan Hyde
Children and Spirituality: Inhabiting a Culture of Performativity
Brendan Hyde

Digital play as a spiritually formative activity
Karen-Marie Yust
Drama, intimacy, and vulnerability: the spiritual challenges of digital culture
Karen-Marie Yust
Digital power: exploring the effects of social media on children's spirituality
Karen-Marie Yust
Cultivating Christians: North American family cultures and religious identity formation
Karen-Marie Yust
Cultivating Compassion: Developmentally Reframing the Religious Nurture of Young Children
Karen-Marie Yust
Whose Children are They? Talking about Responsibility for Children's Religious Education
Karen-Marie YustAdolescent Spirituality and Education
Karen-Marie Yust
Let the Children Lead: Exploring Children's Spirituality Today
Elizabeth de Gaynor (ed)
The Gifts They Bring
Amy Lindeman Allen
Children's Ministry and the Spiritual Child
Robin Turner and Trevecca Okholm
The potential of ‘wonder’ to engage children’s spirituality: it’s so much more than pondering
Christine Robinson
The language of spirituality
Adrian-Mario Gellel
Teacher voice for reflections on practice: using the voice-centred relational method to determine early childhood teachers’ understanding of spirituality
Brendan Hyde and Elizabeth Rouse
Revisiting some half-forgotten ideas on children’s spirituality
Tony Eaude
The role of culture and traditions in how young children’s identities are constructed
Tony Eaude
Identity, Culture and Belonging: Educating Young Children for a Changing World
Tony Eaude
The Education of the Whole Child
Clive Erricker, Dr Cathy Ota, Jane Erricker, Danny Sullivan, Mandy Fletcher
Reconstructing Religious, Spiritual and Moral Education
Clive Erricker, Jane ErrickerLiving Difference
Clive Erricker

Spiritual education in a divided world: Social, environmental and pedagogical perspectives on the spirituality of children and young people
Dr Cathy Ota, Mark Chater
International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions of Education
Marian de Souza, Kathleen Engebretson, Gloria Durka, Robert Jackson, Andrew McGradyLærer og menneske. Å være ekte i møte med religiøs tro
Sturla Sagberg

Teaching for Meaning and Connectedness in the Middle School Years
Marian de Souza, Patricia Cartwright
Understanding children understanding God
Ronni Lamont
The Spiritual Dimension of Childhood
Kate Adams, Brendan Hyde, Richard Woolley
Children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development – Primary and Early Years
Tony Eaude
International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing
Marian de Souza, Leslie J. Francis, James O'Higgins-Norman, Daniel G. Scott
How High Should Boys Sing? Gender, authenticity and credibility in the young male voice
Martin Ashley
Children and spirituality: searching for meaning and connectedness
Brendan Hyde
Religious Education: A Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Approach for Secondary Level
Clive Erricker
Transcendental Learning: The Educational Legacy of Alcott, Emerson, Fuller, Peabody and Thoreau.
J. Miller
Whole Child Education
J. Miller
“Nurturing the Spirit through Literature,” in Educating from the Heart: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Transforming Education
A. Trousdale
Educating for Meaningful Lives: Through Existential Spirituality
Webster, S.
Faith words for Kids
M. Hammer
The Edusemiotics of Images: Essays on the Art-Science of Tarot
I. Semetsky
The Girls’ Diary Project: Writing ourselves into Being
D. Scott, S. McFerran