Liesbeth Vroemen

Photo of Liesbeth Vroemen

Executive Committee Member and Website ('Where we are' page)

Liesbeth Vroemen lives in Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and works part time at KPZ teacher training college in Zwolle. She also works as an independent trainer and consultant for teachers and management at primary schools. She runs workshops and training courses on children’s spirituality, world religions, and philosophy for children. She also works with schools that are trying to strengthen their collective identity and reconnect with their roots. An important question in this process is: how can we honour and educate the whole child in a culture obsessed with profit, consumerism, and quick results? Liesbeth is co-editor of Hemel en Aarde, a magazine for primary schools on spirituality and religious education, and founder-member of the editorial team of Soul to Soul – an online journal about children’s spirituality. She also started the Dutch Stichting Kind & Spiritualiteit, a not-for-profit, organizing an annual conference about children’s spirituality in the Netherlands.

Liesbeth was a voluntary youth worker and later co-ordinator of European youth work for Service Civil International. She studied feminist theology at the Nijmegen University and music at the Schumann Akademie in Utrecht. She also trained as a teacher of philosophy for children with Berrie Heesen at the Dutch Centre for Children’s Philosophy.

Her expertise and interests include Philosophy for Children, Jenaplan (Peter Petersen’s philosophy of education), interreligious dialogue, sociocracy, ecology and earth-based spirituality, and nurturing children’s spirituality through ritual, art and (world)music. She offers workshops and training in Dutch and English. You can reach her at