Teaching with Heart and Soul- Reflections on Spirituality in Teacher Education

This article revolves around two questions: Is there a “spiritual” dimension to good teaching? If so, do spiritual considerations have a place in teacher education? Defining spirituality as “the eternal human yearning to be connected with something larger than our own egos,” the author answers both questions in the affirmative, and he explores the implications of these answers for teacher education. The article pays special attention to a “pedagogy of the soul” that respects both cultural diversity and the separation of church and state and is relevant to institutional and social change as well as personal transformation. The article is not rooted in empirical research (though a recent study is featured in it) but is a reflective piece that grows out of the author’s three decades of exploring, writing about, and working with educators on the spiritual dimensions of K-12 and higher education.
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54, 5